2014年10月24日 星期五




仁波切說,他自己為這塑像設計了山洞。這個山洞代表「冬都普」(拉企雪山上的「降魔洞」)。密勒日巴因暴風雪,在降魔洞中被困了六個月之久。結果密勒日巴不僅只以些許糌粑果腹,而且還成就了拙火的修持。山洞上方的山峰代表拉企長壽五姊妹 (藏文發音為「慈齡瑪」)


This is a fist-size clay statue of Jetsun Milarepa that Garchen Rinpoche kept in his room in Gar Monastery. The statue was made by a Gelugpa lama and was rediscovered after the Cultural Revolution.

Rinpoche said that he designed the cave for the statue. The cave represents Dundul Phug (Cave of Subjugation of the Mara), where Milarepa was trapped for 6 months by heavy snow storm. Not only did Milarepa survive with just a small portion of tsampa, he even accomplished the practice of tummo in Dundul Phug. The peaks on the cave represent the Long-Life Goddesses (Tseringma).





